
Who are we? Here’s a bit about our faces and spaces.

Bridget Koza

My face is quirky, creative and chill. I’m a freelance artist, swim coach, graphic designer and student. Anywhere with a large body of water, including, the pool, lake or ocean has always been my place. When I dive head first into water I feel a deep serenity rush past my feet and my mind is completely Zen.

Bridget Leslie

My face is curious, witty, and loving. I don’t have casual interests—I obsess, and I don’t stop obsessing until I’ve learned so much about something that it’s boring to me. When I’m comfortable, I make people laugh. More importantly, I make myself laugh. And lastly, I’m loving when I need to be, and sometimes when I don’t need to be.

My place is wherever I can be surrounded by strangers who don’t know anything about me. I love the mall. I love the bustling atmosphere of a pre-pandemic campus where everyone’s concerned about their own business. My place is anywhere that I can be within the presence of others, without the responsibility to speak to them.

Jessie Juranka

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Sophie Wu

My face is pragmatic, impressionable, and open-minded. My place is the grocery store. I have never felt more free and important than I have when standing in front of the frozen aisle trying to decide whether a new ice cream flavor is worth trying.

Zoe Trottier

My face is playful, willful and unabashed. My place is a walk on a sunny day, post blizzard, when you imagine the lives inside each house, which seem stagnant under the sparkling, untouched cover of snow.

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